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Cartoon 921: We knew

George Bush was head of the CIA before becoming Vice President and then President. He knew about climate change.

The CIA has known for a long time that exacerbated strife tracks with abnormal weather such as drought, excessive rain, and when it is colder or hotter.

They followed the dots.

  • They wondered can we predict when and where the abnormal weather will occur? 
  • What causes the increase in abnormal weather? Answer: the global climate is changing.
  • Who is responsible? Answer: man and pollution.
  • Do we want global climate change? Answer: No, it interjects to many unknowns in geo-politics.
  • How do they stop it? That answer came back that they could not. It had progressed to a self sustaining process.
  • What should we do? If you can do nothing about it, keep the public in the dark and just carry on.

Being the CIA they also asked the question can we weaponize weather?