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Cartoon 937: Religious Concessions

This is a retooled cartoon from 2016. The issue is still the same.

In most of the major religions there are examples of people selling their souls. It figured prominently in Greek mythology and Biblical stories. Despite the fact the original work is in German, the most famous English language example is “Faust” by Goethe. English writers like Marlowe popularized it in works and plays such as “Doctor Faustus”.

The theme for selling the soul is always the same. It is to achieve gain that seemingly cannot be acquired through normal means, hence the supernatural. The corollary is also always the same. The bargain turns into a great regret.

Much of the American religious establishment has gravitated to support Donald Trump. A man who is clearly dissentient with their avowed Christian, Jewish and Catholic values. They believe he will further their religious desires. This dichotomy represents a ‘Faustian’ arrangement that will ultimate result in the same results.