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Cartoon 653: Pinocchio

The machinations of the Administration have shaped opinion. The result is that great skepticism abounds with the pronouncements of government and the media. The politicians pander from one election to the next. They preach to their respective choirs, saying what the audience wants to hear. The media, managed fulfilling corporate executive’s avarice, is not interested in journalistic integrity. They dance to the urging of the Administration to garner its largess.  The blatantly false and half truths have become their norm. Shout sometime loud and often enough and it becomes accepted fact. The people are apathetic to what it happening. P. T. Barnum summed up the strategy in use today, “there’s a sucker born every minute”.

The culture represented in government today has its roots in American business practices. No matter what face they try to put on American business it is overtures of Machiavelli's “The Prince” steeped  in the “Art of War” by Sun Tzu. Anyone that thinks a government is “moral” [any government] is a fool. Governments are most often “amoral”. But our government has become undeniably immoral because it has taken on the traits of a few very powerful people.  Their actions are those of pure self interest, just like the executives in American business. It bodes ill for the populous and the nation.