Cartoon 660

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Cartoon 660: Woe

The financial crisis may give birth to an undesirable circumstance for America.  The Cold War caused the Western nations and others to gravitate to America for a measure of security. That put America in the position of leadership. Since the Cold War’s demise America’s leadership has been waning.  Nations no longer have need for American protection as strongly. America has tried to fill the gap of a demon by fanning the flames of fear with nuclear proliferation and now terrorism. Both have played to a tepid audience.

The financial crisis has gotten everyone’s attention. It has made it very clear to the peoples of the whole world that we are now interdependent. But one nation holds the keys more than any other. That nation is America. As long as things were going well and America was fostering prosperity in the world, the other nations were willing to set back. Now that is not the case. Actions taken or not taken in America, such as regulations or lack of transparency, now play to world audience. The nations of the world are coming to a consensus that America’s actions, even those of a domestic nature, must be submitted to international approval.

In the Bible book of “Revelation” one of the heralds of the “end time” is world government.

The first salvo in the move in this direction toward some form of world governance will be at the Financial Summit scheduled for November 22nd.