Cartoon 665: Heel
American politicians seem to be constantly bringing up the issue of nuclear proliferation. However, the real high probability nuclear threat is a dirty bomb. But even a dirty bomb in a highly populated area is likely to have limited causalities. It is more a psychological weapon or terror. A missile attack by other then several of the major nuclear powers [Israel, Russia, China, France and Britain] would also have limited effect. Most missiles would be intercepted before they reached their target. Then what is the abiding issue with nuclear proliferation?
America has the most “electronzed” military capability in history. But the same circuits that make this magical possibility is also a liability. Electronic circuits are destroyed when a nuclear detonation occurs in close proximity. The nuclear explosion puts out a disruptive wave of EMF [electric motive force]. The American military has taken steps to shield critical circuits of command and control. But they can only shield so much. In today’s military circuits are everywhere. Even in the laser sight of a rifle or night vision goggles. Communication and mechanized transportation is also vulnerable. The list of circuits at risk is long and extensive. It seems like putting all your eggs in one basket. A nuclear detonation in the low atmosphere over a battle field would be a game changes event.
Unsanctioned nuclear technology transfer is almost impossible to stop. The best approach the government can pursue is to try to keep nuclear capability from those countries it is most likely to meet on the battle field. Even this strategy has a flaw. If world history has taught us anything, yesterday’s allies are today’s enemies.