Cartoon 677

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Cartoon 677: The Game

There was a song with a music video that stayed at the top of the charts for weeks in the 1980s.The song was by a group called “Dire Straits” and the title of the song was, “Money for Nothing”.

Everyone who has been to business school knows that the way to manage a business is first to take as much of the revenue and place it in the stock market to receive an additional return on investment. Next, to meet day-to-day operating expenses, you borrow. The calculus was that borrowed money, even with the interest, was less than the net amount made on revenue in the marketplace. Therefore businesses entered into a cycle of borrowing. In some cases day-to-day.

The financial crisis bought this money convection to a halt. Businesses found they had lost much of their revenue in the market place and could not get loans to meet operating expenses.

This is the second time I have made a cartoon based on highlighting this scheme.