Cartoon 700: The News
When announcements are made, never forget it is from the perspective of what is euphemistically called “the master race” in America. It refers to the aggregate population of Caucasians. The moniker is generated for several reasons. The largest race segment in America, about 75%, is Caucasian. This large segment holds most of the jobs, controls the wealth, and the government. It is by far the dominate face that America presents to itself and the world. This as it should be given population demographics.
Therefore statements of a specific life expectancy increase, in terms of years, is referencing the master race. There is always cavorts that refer to the two major minorities. Therefore statements about the numbers of people that have healthcare need to be segregated in to three racial groups. Overwhelmingly minorities are the most victimized with lack of healthcare. When statements are made about the monthly success of military recruiting, minorities are disproportionately represented relative to their percentage in American society. When general statements are made about athletic funding at American universities, beware it probably excludes women.
The message is to understand the statistical universe referenced. Taking statements at face value can often be misleading. Too often by design.