Cartoon 709

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Cartoon 709: American Legacy

I think William Shakespeare in his play, “Julius Caesar”, phrased it best. In  Act 3, Scene 2 Mark Anthony gives a speech. In the speech he states, “the evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones…,” .

The Germans during World War II advanced knowledge in a host of areas, yet little credit is assigned today. The dominate image of that period under the Nazi regime is genocide. It blots out all else. The good was interred.

Today the two biggest green house gas emitters are the United States and China. One venomously denies the specter of global warming, the other has the highest vehicle gas mileage requirement in the world of a major nation or entity. America is recognized around the world as disdaining climate change. America “owns” this position in the mindset of peoples around the world. The world knows it is merely a subterfuge to keep from having to take painful actions.

One day climate change will be undeniable as millions die from a cornucopia of climate change related events. The blame will be assigned to America and its do little attitude. It might be all that is remembered about America as it passes into the night. The evil lives on afterward.