Cartoon 713

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Cartoon 713: Untimely Death

I keep shouting America is on an escalator to the second world.  American greatness was due to a confluence of factors. 

It was isolated by an ocean from direct European influence. 

It had abundant natural resources to meet it needs, particularly energy.

It had a large labor force fueled by immigrants.

It was gifted by a decided socialist turn with The Great Depression.

    This facilitated the building of infra-structure such as roads, dams, bridges and skyscrapers still in use today.

    It gave rise to the public nature of the electric grid and telephone communication.

    It orchestrated the creation of a mandatory public education system.

    Soon after small business proliferated [mom and pop variety] and the labor movement gained political strength.

    These two things helped create a middle class with a stake in the economic system.

The politicians throughout government at all levels generally came from humbler roots and could relate to the travails of the people.

Finally the devastating World War II created a power vacuum in the international arena that America flowed into practically unopposed by European nations.

The factors are now in reverse.