Cartoon 720

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Cartoon 720: What the Republicans Know

Earth Day thoughts…

This is not the first time climate change was a national issue. The first time was back in 1991. Then, as now, a concerted effort was made at denial. It was pushed into disparage like little green men and flying saucers by the Republican Administration at the time.

The approach might be a rational assessment. Perhaps through our technology we determined the momentum of change was too great, even then, to ever halt climate change. The best approach was just “to roll with it”. They figured dramatic change was at least a half century away. They were wrong. The change is occurring in geometric proportion.

The assumption has always been that the industrialized West, particularly America, would fair far better through climate change then most of the rest of the world. Even that assumption is now questionable. An example is that no one anticipated the extent of the havoc the volcanic eruption is causing. Climate change will have unimaginable collateral damage to America in this age of Globalization. We are not “self-sustaining”. Nor can we achieve that state without significant life style changes and greatly reduced population.

Perhaps it makes sense to just continue on as we do until the music actually stops. We will figure out what to do then.