Cartoon 733

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Cartoon 733: Clone Wars

There is one circumstance where religious ideology is left at the door in America. That circumstance is weapons of warfare. One area of research that is certainly occurring in our weapons programs is the cloning of humans.

Controversial activities are cloaked in national security. To truly keep things secret make divulging information come under the heading of aiding terrorism. Therefore media organizations will not present any information they may acquire.

Soldiers are not created equal. They vary in physical and mental capabilities, motivation and tenaciousness. Military basic training attempts to raise the recruits to a higher level as soldiers. However, some individuals are innately clearly heads and shoulders above their peers, especially in combat.

The Industrialized nations are facing dwindling populations. In America the issue is “able body” recruits. The American solution to less “able bodied” male resources is mechanization and to increasingly turn to females. But the female population is not enough. They too are faced with the same fitness issues as males. There is also less of a general desire among females to serve in the military. Mechanization can only go so far and belligerents can devise “work arounds” often faster than solutions.

The answer to military manpower problems is better quality in the soldiers that serve. The ideal approach is to clone the individuals that have proven to be the best soldiers in combat. The psychological component will have to be systematically graphed on the clone through indoctrination.

Many nations are not acknowledging it, but they are rushing to create clone warriors. Soon our soldiers may have “made in America” stamped on their bottom.