Cartoon 736

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Cartoon 736: Profiling

Reportedly in some spheres a young prince was trained early. At puberty he is paired with a somewhat older and experienced seductive female. She teaches him the ways of sex and female companionship. Once he is thoroughly in rapture with her, she is taken away never to be seen again. She is eventually replaced by another. The young prince is ushered through a series of these events. He becomes desensitized to the control of females and views them as transitory.

Females were not spared. There are numerous historical works on the Borgias family. The father was a Pope and the youngest son eventually became a Cardinal. Reportedly the Father had the first person his daughter sleep with be her brother. That way no one could ever use her against the family. The belief was no later lover has the power of the first one.

No one in immune to seduction. It only has to be the right time, place and participant. People in public life come in contact with a lot of people. It gives observant profilers a great deal of data to work with. In most cases the seduction is accomplished by either willing or coerced individuals. During the Reagan Administration there was a big media stir. It got out the Israeli were using women as seductive spies.

Some of the best are people that do not know they are part of a plot. They have been profiled for strong mutual attraction and all that is required is a little subliminal suggestion.

Throughout history people have been profiled. World leaders are profiled to try to determine how they might react to a given situation. Politicians are always profiling potential campaign contributors. College and university admissions offices profile applicants. Employers profile job seekers. Financial institutions profile customers. It is less of a case of if you will be profiled and more of a case of who is profiling you at the moment.

If that person you unexpectedly come in contact with is a bit “too fortuitous”, do a doubt take.