Cartoon 739

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Cartoon 739: Bliss

Pat Buchanan stated it best some years ago. He said there is a war going on and it is about America continuing to be a “white” nation. The threat is the Hispanics with their higher birthrate that will tip the balance away from unassailable “White” dominance in America.

It is both a power struggle and a culture war. The Hispanics are largely Catholic in religion, more communal in life style, and in general, have a more multi-generational view.

As we look at all the media attention and rhetoric about Hispanics, just remember you are witnessing something like the “COPS” television show version of things. The larger reality is something different. As in any war, propaganda is an effective weapon.

The real losers are the Blacks. They believe that in American society they occupy a higher position. But that is not true. Already Hispanics in America exceed Blacks in education, social mobility and economics.

One day soon the bliss of Blacks will be shattered as they realize they own the bottom in this country.