cartoon 748

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Cartoon 748: Climate Change?

One day we may realize the most successful strategy to obscure the truth is unmitigated denial in the face of overwhelming truth. It is the strategy that worked for decades for the tobacco industry. They rebuke all evidence to the contrary.

We are witnessing the denial strategy in action with the America climate change debate. Who is behind the denial? The vanguard is The American Business Chamber of Commerce. The American Business Chamber of Commerce is the surrogate of the rich.

Why is America important? America is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases and the energy footprint of individual Americans is 10 times greater than any other. Therefore if the world wishes to do anything meaningful about climate change, it must be a change in America.

Why is denial so important? Any reductions in green house gases means changes in business operations. The changes represent significant costs of operation. The rich know this will greatly adversely affect their investment profits in American businesses. They are blocking any mandated changes with denying there is a problem that needs to be addressed.

It is all about money.