cartoon 764

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Cartoon 764: Break Up

Follow the money. Who benefits from the current positions of the Tea Party and the Freshman in Congress? 

A smaller government most benefits the very rich [richest 1%]. They can pursue greater profits with less restrictions from Government agencies and repeal existing legislation that is costly. A simple thing like limited regulations of Natural Gas “fracking” waste chemical disposal is worth hundreds of millions of dollars to the very rich. A simple thing like no regulations of CDCs and limited involvement in Hedge Fund operations in the financial community represents significant money. The very rich, using their control over the media and marketing in America, are the “pied piper” leading the Tea Party lemmings.

There greed has grown so great that nothing is sacred, certainly not the nation. If they fail to somehow get control of Congress and the Presidency, to go along with their control of the courts, they will force the breakup of the nation. They are lining things up. The S&P rating service said the States would not automatically be included in the Federal Government downgrade [the very rich have successfully orchestrated a “chicken and the egg” scenario]. This will make the breakup even more profitable for the very rich.

Symbolically South Carolina is probably going to be the first to break away followed by Texas. The banner carrier will be the Tea Party. They will become the Secession Party.

The very rich are systematically looting America.