cartoon 776

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Cartoon 776: Ironic

I wonder what is the agenda of those really pulling the strings? The rhetoric of the movement does not logically lineup with its actions.

When there is fear people gravitate to the ethereal. You must look beyond the pronouncements to determine the underlying reason for a movement. The drivers are usually multifaceted like a hydra from Greek mythology. The challenge is to dissect it to get at the DNA.

I do not think any major figure has been as publicly forthcoming as Pat Buchanan. He stated the problem is America remaining a “White” nation. The birthrate and influx of non-whites threaten to change the face of America. He said America is a White nation and he would do everything to keep it that way. The message being; that the acknowledged heritage, wealth, and sense of direction of the nation is White. Growing numbers of non-whites at some point will destabilized this unassailed dominance.

A big issue facing industrialized nations is their birthrate. Prosperity results in fewer births. Most of the “White” industrialized nations have a negative birthrate or not enough births to replace the living. America is the exception. But much of that exception is the result of the higher Hispanic birthrate.

The first group of actions in the larger agenda is focused on Hispanics. In the last decade a series of steps have been taken in regards to Hispanics. First, the Hispanic question has been forced on the mind of the public. We have been encouraged to think there are waves of Hispanics marching across the border and they are inundating the nation. The border fence and the added security are a reaction. Another action is the dramatically increased number of deportations.

The second group of actions is to retain power by marginalizing minorities in society. The voter identification laws, along with gerrymandering, serve to restrict minority participation in the system of government. The massive incarcerations of minorities serves to remove them from the ranks of the voters even after release.

The third group of actions is to raise the white birthrate. It includes making birth control more difficult, getting insurances to curtain birth control coverage, repudiating family planning organizations, and preventing sex education in the schools. To top it off is to officially embrace “abstinence” as the method of birth control in this sex driven culture. The efforts have proved successful. The White teenage birthrate has risen.

The underlying actions against pregnancy terminations appear to be just one head of the hydra, hence the seeming disconnect of the actions with the dogma.