cartoon 777

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Cartoon 777: Evangelist

The unholy triumvirate of money, religion and power grips America under the Conservative banner. It is a fact these religious views represent just 17%. This religious cabal exerts influence well beyond its numbers. They are fervent, marshal their votes, vindictive of non-aligned actions of others, and most importantly, well financed. They have pushed their philosophy on the nation through the purchase of elected Politicians. Look at the Presidential debates. The candidates are falling all over each other to achieve the mantle of most holy. Actions are crouched in religious theocracy.

Not everyone subscribes to these views. But legislation, judicial actions and law enforcement encapsulate it just the same. Disagree or attempt to curtail the power and it is labeled an attack on religious freedom. American religious motivated actions, both domestically and internationally, are as stringent as those associated with the Taliban. Each of the religions, Islam and Christianity/Catholicism, do good works. But those good works are overshadowed by the evil under the guise of philosophical purity. Their zeal is different sides of the same egregious coin.

The last decade has witnessed the evaporation of much of the separation of church and State that still existed. In listening to the politicians, the desired extent of the merger is still underway. One of the major selling points of the war in Iraq was “biblical”. The Evangelist pointed to apocalyptic scriptures and Babylon. It was an opportunity to re-fight the Crusades and usher in “the end times”.

The Baby Boomers will likely live long enough to see a change in religion. The Western White makeup of Christianity and Catholicism is shrinking. The growth areas are Asia and Africa. Their mega churches dwarf those in the West. The question is how long before the face and control shifts too. Just look at how racial diversity is creeping into the College of Cardinals and the legions of Arch Bishops.

I suspect once White dominance in Christianity and Catholicism significantly wanes, the Conservatives will drop the banners. But until that time, it looks like we are going to be stuck with a lot more of the same.