cartoon 779

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Cartoon 779: Forget

As Israel became populated with eastern European Jews, it became increasingly an apartheid state. These immigrants are openly racist against those of Palestinian ancestry. They have gained power in Israel and wish to push all Palestinians and “browned” people out.

Israel takes the land of Palestinians and permanently imprisons large numbers without a trial or convection. Internal dissent is being suppressed. Israel has become the very thing that it condemned, a Fascist State. The policies today could be juxtaposition with those of Germany.

Jewish action organizations political power and control of the media in America is great. They can stifle a realistic portrayal of Israel’s actions and any criticism. Israel wheels American power by proxy. They must prevent others from achieving nuclear capability to maintain unassailable military supremacy. The hypocrisy is everywhere. Israel in not a participant in the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. There is no inspection or accounting of their weapons. They are exempt from the rules we would place on other nations. It is that military supremacy that allows Israel to never negotiate middle east peace in good faith.

Israel and America know that if Iran achieves nuclear capability the dynamics of the middle east will change. Pressure will be exerted on Iran to subscribe to the nuclear non-proliferation accords. Iran will simply say, “not until Israel as well”. That will be politically unacceptable to Israel and place it clearly at odds with the world community. The second thing will be that other middle eastern countries will go after nuclear capability. Israel could find itself merely one of many. This would limit its cavalier actions.

There are three possible routes for Israel to bomb Iran. All three involve the transverse of other nations. The northern route transverses Turkey. The southern route transverses Saudi Arabia. The central, and most direct route, goes through Iraq. Israel would be unlikely to get permission to fly over Saudi Arabia or Turkey. What it is likely to do is violate Iraq sovereignty and fly without permission. There is little militarily Iraq could do about it. Besides America will tie Iraq’s hands.

The financial crisis, unilateralism, hypocrisy and support for rogue regimes, paints America increasingly as the problem and not the solution.