cartoon 784

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Cartoon 784: Rewrite History

Historians attribute World War II to the revenge. The revenge heaped on Germany after losing World War I embodied in the Treaty of Versailles. The treaty demilitarized Germany and imposed horrendous reparation costs. The German economy was in shambles and the people demoralized. A Party arose. The Party riled against the injustice of it all.

People begin to gravitate to the party. It acknowledged and articulated being a victim. It gave a focus to their hate wrapped in patriotism and a vision of a manifest destiny. The Party was a good thing. It started to improve the economy by marginalizing profiteering and corruption. The new leaders were intense and focused. Soon the Party was embraced across the nation after purges within itself to maintain a single linear line of action. Even many German Jews initially found it in their interest and supported the Party. The rewrite of history is that there was universal rejection by Jews, even in the Party’s earliest stages.

A great orator was the voice of the Party and priest of the nation’s revival. The Party swung more and more to the “right” as it grew in control of the nation. The Party needed to refine the hate. There was very little it could do to directly antagonize the nation’s that orchestrated its torment. They needed a scapegoat to further consolidate power and maintain momentum. 

Throughout Europe for centuries there was distrust of the Jews, much like the disdain of the gypsies. The Jews made the perfect victim - unless you were Jewish. The Jews were blamed for everything. The people could now participate and see tangible results of their revenge by removing a fifth column in their midsts.

After Germany’s World War II defeat, the nation rushed to disassociate itself from the Nazis. They claimed the Nazis represented a wayward sect and in no way represented the general populous. This belied the all embracing popularity and support of the Nazi movement at its height. It was a rewrite of history. The Allies championed this narrative. To do otherwise would have meant heaping ruthless malevolence on everyone in the nation and sowing the seeds of another war in the future.

In the early part of the last decade an American Party climbed to the pinnacle of power. It wrapped itself in a cloak of patriotism and blind rage. It stretched out to conqueror. Dissenters were made mute. The more powerful the Party has become, the more to the “right” it has swung. Rebuttal is branded anti-American. Like with the Jews, there is a holocaust occurring. The ovens and gas chambers are social divide. The fuel that powers the ovens and gas chambers is the media. It is a Party that believes the ends justify using any means and their position is aboslutely right. Therefore there can be no real debate or change in their position.

We are involved with two wars. There is an urgent effort being made to disentangle ourselves. The reason will shock you. To move on to other wars in the Party’s game plan. The nation is increasingly deviating for normal convention toward ever more draconian actions. Shouts of international outrage is growing louder, despite our domestic deafness. The Party’s noxiousness is on display for the world to see.

Perhaps one day after a sounding defeat, we will be claiming the Party and its actions was merely that of a sect. It was not embraced by the general populous. Another rewrite of history.