cartoon 802

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Cartoon 802: Out of Sync

I keep saying over and over again there is something fundamentally wrong. No other biological creature I am aware of spends as much time trying to destroy itself. We do this on an individual, group and species basis. I suggest we are a concocted creature and not the product of natural evolution. Our intellect greatly exceeds that necessary for our biological niche and evolution is driven by biological necessity. We should be more on par with orangutans and never rise beyond the early stone age.

This poses some questions. Who or what crafted us? To what purpose? Are they still here? Do we really have free will? Let us look to religion. The major religions have some things in common. They all postulate we spring forth [creation]. They all place us in our existence on a journey. They all indicate some reward for a successful journey. They also warn of punishment for failure. They all suggest we are being observed. They even indicate intervention. Finally they extol bringing all into the fold.

I cannot believe I am the only one asking these questions.

I wonder what the RAND Corporation has to say? I imagine their analysis falls under some secret classification.