cartoon 811

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Cartoon 811: Appealing

The Republican Party plans to go after elections in a bigger way. They are using gerrymandering with success. That is why the House of Congress is overwhelmingly Republican. Their voter identification initiative is gaining traction. Those most likely to be disenfranchised by voter identifications are largely people that support the opposition party. The Republicans have shown that they can enact retribution over failed elections with such things as the “Sequester”.

The Republicans want nothing in their way to capturing the Senate in the 2014 mid-term elections. They have now embarked on wooing the opposition voters with a charm initiative. They are trying to cast themselves as nice people that are just vocal with a message. It is the “Liberal” media and the “Opposition” politicians that are working to demonize them. They are the “underdogs”.

Reality is something different. They are the 200 pound guerilla. They are well funded by big business and billionaires. They control most of the media directly or can orchestrate desired outcomes in less favorable venues. They are the chosen champions of three of the most powerful organizations in the nation, The Business Chamber of Commerce, The Religious Right and The National Rife Association.

The charm initiative does not in anyway suggest their unpopular platform with the general public will change one iota. That platform’s initiatives is the glue that binds their supporters.