cartoon 812

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Cartoon 812: Referendum on Capitalism

Throughout the industrialized part of the world there is financial distress. The proposed solution is austerity, which appeases the bankers. But austerity is really a shift away from allocating resources devoted to the people’s well being to the bankers. It is the “capitalist way” to seemingly perpetuate “growth” in dire times.

Today appeasing the bankers is going head-to-head with the quality of life of the people. This is particularly apparent in Europe. They have a more entrenched view of capitalism that its purpose is to serve society. America believes the system is its own justification and any benefit to society is the result of its attributes or whims.

Probably as never before Capitalism is being questioned on a large scale. This questioning is by those that suddenly see themselves victimized. This is occurring with whole nations. There is rebellion of subservience to the system. The last time there was a major economic rebellion in the world communism appeared. It was considered a more equable approach.

If we had a crystal ball and could peer into the future, would we find communism staring back at us in America? History is full of surprises that can only be appreciated through hindsight.