cartoon 813

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Cartoon 813: Life

The people involved with the Pro Life Movement have a narrow vision. They only focus of new life. They are generally Conservative and most likely to vote against social programs for even young children, such as lunch programs, daycare and after school care. They are also most likely to under fund education. They seem to care nothing for life beyond conception.

They are the most likely to vote for the death penalty. The death penalty in some circumstances makes perfect sense. But what we are finding is that law enforcement and prosecutors convict by deliberately officiating and manufacturing information. Too often the convicted are innocent of the specific crime. Therefore you are faced with a dilemma. Do you allow these travesties of justice to continue which are beyond your control, or not use the death penalty in the hopes that travesties have time to come to light and be rectified?

They are also the first supporters of military interventionism. The result is collateral damage. Bombs, shells and bullets are notoriously indiscriminate.

Pro Life should mean “Quality of Life”. It absolutely should mean society shares in the burden of insuring a better life for all regardless of age, race, religion, ideology or money. It may mean that some births are terminated. It may mean euthanasia is endorsed under certain circumstances. It may mean restricting births. It requires a better definition of personal choice that may conflict with some people’s ideology.