cartoon 815

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Cartoon 815: The Nation we Live

Big Data is taking elements from divergent sources and rearranging it to give a new view of relationships.  Many times that new view is enlightening.

Big Data points out the goal of a segment of America. It links the disparate personal and political actions to a single strong desire. Attempts to fulfill the desire often results in subconscious actions.

Big Data links the war on abortion, restrictions on birth control availability, preventing effective sex education, discouraging women self development and education, driving women into marriage, collapsing their role in the job market to the mostly menial level, blocking planned parenthood, and draconian birth laws. These actions serve one purpose, to increase the birthrate, specifically the White birthrate.

The companion approach is to limit non-Whites. Take large numbers of minority males out of normal society through incarceration. Make them highly undesirable or not predisposed to marriage relationships. Encourage unhealthy life styles through targeted marketing and advertisement (kill them off). Make certain healthy food venues are absent in their domicile.  Set the stage for family social units not coalescing in a targeted demographic through policies.

Taken individually these things can be rationalized and tagged as a solution to a specific problem or the blame of the victim. But Big Data unmasks the underlying intent. The goal is to keep America a White dominated nation through blocking the increase in minorities and raising the White birthrate.

Perhaps now you can understand why Conservatives, through the Republican Party, have been pushing the notion that that there is no longer a major racism problem in American. You can appreciate the Conservative Supreme Court decision saying the Federal Government could no longer monitor the actions of Southern States with their known racist predilection.