cartoon 826

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Cartoon 826: Bites the Hand

Fear is the most sincerest form of respect, especially among nations. Even Allies need fear. When that fear evaporates, license is taken.

Fear seldom vanishes. It withers. The constant probing for weakness eventually yields results. Each success breeds a new challenge. Actions that could be encouraged because of fear cease. At some point things are turned around. The Benefactor becomes the victim.

There is danger in rising up a nation and guiding them to do your bidding. The danger is always magnified when there is great risk on the part of the raised up agent. The agent acts in proxy and suffers in proxy. The Benefactor is unscathed. 

At some point the agent decides it takes the risks and therefore it should reap the lion’s share of the rewards. This juxtaposition results in a reset of relations. The agent now becomes an adversary of the Benefactor, more equal partner, or the motivator of actions to be carried out by the previous Benefactor.

Anyone that does realize the beast we raised will one day bite America is a fool. It is the most powerful nation in the Middle East and one of the most powerful in the world. It is an unacknowledged nuclear power and not a participant in the Nuclear Non-proliferation treaty. It policies are clearly Apartheid. We view it through a religious, political expedient and believed subservient haze.

An analysis report appeared in a prominent military publication several decades ago. It said this nation and its sympathizers represents a fifth element that permeates government, the military and society. It ties our hands. This analysis report would never be allowed to be published today.

When the beast turns on America, people in authority again will use the refrain most often heard during 911, “...I never imagined this would happen”.