cartoon 829

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Cartoon 829: Smoke and Mirrors

The Wall Street Journal pointed out an economic dichotomy. Wal-Mart and retailers at the lower economic income part of the spectrum are reeling. Customers are not spending. They lack the resources. Retailers that cater further up income scale, like Macy, are doing quite well.

Everywhere we are hearing the shout for austerity. It has fallen like a rock on the European countries and has staggered much of America. But one segment is toasting events. The wealth is flowing and they are the ones championing austerity. They are Robin hood in reverse. They are robbing the people and lining their pockets. They siphon the money from the less well off under the guise of implementing austerity.

One of their most effective vehicles is to hold out job creation as a function of reduced regulations and taxes. Reduced regulations and taxes achieve only one aim. It reduces their expenses and drives up profits. There is no direct proportion to their profits and jobs creation. Their rising tide still leaves others under water.

We have reached the point where capitalism and democracy are an abomination. The rich control the mechanisms of government, law enforcement, the military, and the message. The world is their oyster. There can be no redress within the system.

They play the mesmerizing austerity tune leading the masses like lemmings over a cliff.