cartoon 831

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Cartoon 831: Contemplation

We avow spirituality, yet our lives are a reflection of existentialism. We are a living contradiction. We say one thing and do another. If we believe in hell and desire not to go there, why do we embrace the actions that will seal our destination?

What do we really believe? Based purely on our actions, we believe in destiny and an inescapable fate. Therefore, if we are predestined, why fruitlessly try to alter the inevitable? Some would argue we use this as an excuse for apathy or the evil we produce.

There are several things about the end of life which are unknowable. The only mitigating factor is the belief religion has one of the answers. But religion does not work for everyone. Most embrace the attitude reflected in a song, “Que Sera, Sera, whatever will be, will be, the future is not ours to see”.