cartoon 834

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Cartoon 834: Benevolent?

I wonder about the shift in perspective. Steven Spielberg, that gave us the lovable “ET” movie recently said Aliens are not likely to be friendly. This is 180 degrees different from his perspective a decade ago.  Stephen Hawkins, the famous physicist, has also done a 180 degree change embracing hostile Aliens. He no longer sees intelligence as a guaranteed moderator.

If Alien life is biological, then it would have to compete for its environmental niche. It is also likely biological Alien life would use lower forms as substance [food]. The most closely linked biologically would be used as lab rats. The Aliens probably reign supreme in their habitat. If they encounter us, that same biological competition for supremacy would continue between our respective species.

Our television and movies have leaked into space for decades. If viewed by Aliens, they are not likely to appear holding an olive branch. More likely they will come "locked and loaded". Our Hollywood movies that portray such an encounter always show us winning by the “skin of our teeth” because we have the “home court” advantage. Any Aliens that get here are likely to have at least a 100 year technological advantage. If we extrapolate human technology development a 100 years, than the Aliens that arrive will not be biological but constructs [androids, robots or Cyborgs].

There is another possibility for the change in perspective. Maybe Steven Spielberg and Stephen Hawkins are privy to information not in the public domain.