cartoon 845

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Cartoon 845: How we rate

The question is what constitutes an “adult” in our human actions.

I think an adult would care more about the environment than the fruits of capitalism. It is a poisonous apple and unfortunately there is no prince coming to kiss and wake us up.

I think we would agree there is a reasonable limit to the acquisition for financial gain.

I think we would set our first priority as the well being of society as a whole and not the largess of individuals.

I think we would see personal development as paramount in terms of intellect, skills and physiculture.

I think we would realize the earth long ago surpassed the number of humans it can support and we would institute a multifaceted, and as much as possible, humane approach to rectify the situation.

We would understand religion is a personal philosophy and not “a cause celebrate” evangelism and legalism.

Adults would recognize we all have counterproductive prejudices and actively minimized their influence.

We would not succumb to the fallacy of endowing inanimate institutions with the prerogatives of a person.

Finally we would not blatantly foul the house we live in, the earth.