cartoon 846

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Cartoon 846: The Selling of War

In this time of political action committees and deep financial pockets, it is important to step back and reflect. It is time to ponder how easily it is to get us to act against our natural inclinations. Nothing is more abominable than the thought of war, yet we can be led skipping on our merry way.

To go to war you have to fan the flames. You have to create a fevered pitch in the people. Certain talking points hammered home work well to drive people toward a war mentality. Later we are left with a cold feeling once the fever subsides and reality sets in.

Contemplate other instances we race as lemmings. What about climate change denial, no need for gun restrictions, Republican fiscal saneness, e-cigarettes are good, desirability of mega mergers, perpetual and blocking patents, the government not negotiating pharmaceutical prices, the private business approach is best, the rich and big business pay too much in taxes, the education system is broken so let us not educate, the problem with jobs is people with the wrong skills, and we need the border fence.

If you really think about it, the list would reach the floor.

Lemmings Revolt!