cartoon 853

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Cartoon 853: First Illegals

Historical interpretations diverge. America is a land of myth. Much of accepted American history is not completely true as presented.

European historians point out that our popular interpretation about the Pilgrims is in error. They say the Pilgrims did not have to cross the ocean for religious freedom. There were places in Europe they could practice their religion.

Always follow the money. During the time of the Pilgrims religions were taxed. According to European historians the tax was a prime reason for escaping to America. We see the results in the Constitution. Even today recognized religions can apply for tax exempt status.

If the reason for the Pilgrims trip to America was more nuanced, what else is suspect? The Pilgrims by any reasonable definition were illegal immigrants. The land belonged to the native peoples. They did not sell their land to Pilgrims. The Pilgrims squatted. The Pilgrims walled themselves off from native American culture and respect for the spirit of the land.

The upset today over illegal immigrants is a sham. Again, always follow the money. During the years of large American immigration people were greatly needed for jobs. Immigration provided the labor force. The immigrants today from south of the border are not going to take jobs away. They gravitate to low end labor and domestic pursuits.

America could easily assimilate several million Hispanic immigrants. Politically it is a nightmare for Conservatives. The Hispanics have a higher birthrate, tend to be Catholic and lean toward the Democrats. It exacerbates the racial balance swing and dominance away from Whites.