cartoon 854

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Cartoon 854: The Balance

Politicians are loath to remind their constituencies of the demographic shift taking place in America. The casualty is programs for future generations. Angst is expressed by their constituencies in the illegal immigration outrage, Texas losing a law suit for the second time for underfunding public education and States with a great disparity in education funding based on demographics.

Everywhere American Whites look they are being confronted with people that do not look like or appreciate things like them. They see the Middle East, India and Nepal with brown peoples in the news. They see China, the Koreas, Viet Nam and Japan in the news with yellow peoples. In the news is also South and Central America with tan people and Africa with Black people. The non-white world is closing in on their psyche.

The last thing the Conservative White constituencies want to hear from Politicians is efforts to facilitate the well being of a demographically shifting America.