cartoon 855

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Cartoon 855: About the money

We seldom know what we are really fighting about. Politicians rely on sleight of hand. The declared rush to destroy the Islamist is another example. Always look to who pushes hardest. It is those represented the moneyed interest. You need to stop and ask why is it in their interest to destroy fundamentalist Islamist in the Middle East? It is not because of beheadings. Such things happen all the time and have been going on for centuries encoded in law. But it plays extremely well to get the American public behind a new war insurgency. We do not know what is playing behind the scenes to prompt these beheadings.

It is always about the money. It is America’s only real subscribed ideology. Everything else is a sham. The American very wealthy capitalist salivated in the 1990s thinking they were going to go in China and become trillionaires. The Chinese have kept a tight grip on their market. Americans are just one player among many. The real competition is domestic Chinese firms. India has not taken off. The market opportunity constantly in international news is South Africa.

The Bush Administration recognized the big opportunity for a new large market is the Middle East. They crafted reconstruction so they controlled who could participate. They excluded our Allies and made reconstruction a proprietary American economic fiefdom. They bombed everything and disavowed all pre-existing institutions so they could build and craft a society from scratch. They learned culture can be an impenetrable force.

The very rich have marshaled the political will to force America as a nation to “double down”