cartoon 858

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Cartoon 858: Birth

Abortion is a highly successful rallying cry among Conservatives. It is an issue the proponents do not want minimized in the mindset. Such things as the “morning after pill” removes the theatrics. Effective and ubiquitous birth control makes conception a private matter. These are two things the Republicans absolutely do not want. The high visibility of the birth issue gets votes.

Pragmatic answers to issues often elude the political will. If you want to reduce the need for abortions, make birth control readily available, long lasting and free. Couple this with mandatory sex education from preteen. The Libertarian in you might be shouting an infringement on your rights. Do you have a choice in school of learning the pledge of allegiance or American history? If someone really objects they can pull their kids out.

The other issue is that in our society sex is pushed everywhere you look. Just look at preschool cartoon characters. Sex sells. Look at a car parts catalogue. Young women with more clothes off than on are modeled with everything from crank shafts to pistons. The subliminal message is lets have sex. You are not going to change our sexual oriented culture because we are a capitalist nation. The only meaningful thing that can be done is mitigate its results.