cartoon 871

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Cartoon 871: Enough said

People are perplexed as to why one segment of society is prospering beyond measure while the other is not even treading water.

We have such short memories. Some times by design. In the early part of 2000 the Congress and the Bush Administration championed a tax cut they heralded would benefit the middle class. They were challenged on that assertion by economist. The economist looked specifically at who benefited. It was those at the time with an income of 3 to 5 million. The trickled down of any benefits effectively stopped at $147,000. This analysis made all the media of the time and the Bush Administration and Congress finally admitted it was true. Today Congress is smarter at marketing. They tell us if we make the rich wealthier, we will be better off. How is this working out for you?

The question we should be asking our politicians is who economically is the middle class they represent? All legislation and rule changes should be mandated to be held up to a “Gaussian function” [Bell curve] of income to determine impact. I have no doubt that if the politicians are pinned down based on the benefits of their actions, we would find today’s represented middle class is 10 million or more economically. Numerically it is less than 5% of Americans.