cartoon 872

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Cartoon 872: What they fear

Israel punches well beyond its weight in the world. The nation has only a little more than 5 million people or about twice the size of New York City. The current State is less than a hundred years old. Israel has one of the largest modern militaries in the world and American power at its back. Even more important is the very wealthy Americans that support it. But there is a fly in this ointment.

Israel is located in the Middle East and surrounded by hundreds of millions of people that subscribe to a different culture. Even within the nation there is a Palestinian population. Ignore for a moment that the original Jews of Israel were Palestinian. Many of those claiming to be Jewish today hail from Caucasian European countries. They look less like the original Jews and wish to distance themselves in racial ethnicity.

The Israeli elite fear that they need to put up barriers to Palestinians and others of the Middle East. They are surrounded by a people of cultures that have endured for a millennium. Cultural infusion will evaporate Jewishism. American Evangelist fear the rejection of Biblical prophesy. They do not want any condition to exist that is contrarily to prophesy, such as a two state solution.

Normalization of conditions with the Palestinians will lead to intermarriage and mutual culture affinity. This is the nightmare that many Israeli elites and their supporters fear. Therefore they are going to keep things stirred up.