cartoon 882

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Cartoon 882: Wanted

Last week the focus issue of the Economist Magazine was the changing conditions of males in the lower half of Western economies. Particular attention was paid to America.

Manufacturing has withered or changed. The small factories that dotted the American landscape half a century ago are gone. The ones remaining use automation or out sourcing to Asian economies. Male brawn is not in demand. The labor force now requires skills in math, reading and writing. It is something males culturally in this economic demographic shun in the education system. Females do much better. Therefore they are more employable. Exacerbating the American situation is large number of incarcerated males. Once out, their conviction is a permanent barrier to employment. In fact Georgia has laws preventing the hiring of felons.

The ranks of unemployed and under employed males is growing with no end in site. Women now out number males in universities. The net result is that Western society is changing. Females in this economic class are the economic providers and stabilizers. They do not want to support an idle male in relationships nor be dominated by them.

Society is a solution to well being, however not often egalitarian. Will males adjust to the changes? In another half century will the first thing that comes to mind at the mention of home or children be the male housewife?