cartoon 888

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Cartoon 888: What you wish for

What never ceases to amaze me is the disconnect in perception of what drives large corporations by both the employees and outside observers. The top executives do not share the culture of those in the ranks through director, executive director and lower executive levels. Their culture is more like a jungle. You either eat or be eaten. Sitting in their peer meetings among themselves is an in-your-face blood fest.

They encourage and applaud cooperation and compromise is the ranks. But their operating environment, thoughts and actions are completely the opposite. This is one reason so few are ever chosen to rise to that level from within the ranks. Most often they are outsiders. Their mindset is the reality of corporate America. Everything else is marketing.

That mindset has invaded our government. Not just in congress, but in agencies and organizations. Government requires a certain degree of cohesion especially across the branches. Without that, little really gets done.