cartoon 892

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Cartoon 892: The Future

A singer and famous actress, Doris Day, had a mega hit song back in 1956. The words were on the lips of virtually everyone. The song was “Que Sera, Sera” [Whatever Will Be, Will Be]. A key lyric in the song was …the future is not ours to see”.

I will demonstrate how true it is that the future surprises. I was one of the early adopters of a PC in my company of several hundred thousand. I could not imagine that virtually everyone one day would have one. My question would have been, what would they do with it? I can remember when portable cell phones appeared. Their nickname was “the brick”. They were about the size and weight of a brick. I would never have imagined a time when everyone even in developing worlds had one.

On the social side of things I would never have imagined a resurgence of overt racism, where it is not just accepted, but a badge of honor. I could never imagine people wearing guns in businesses, schools or churches. I could never imagine a time ridiculous lies are easily persuaded to be truth. I definitely did not imagine social media or search engines bringing the world to our finger tips.

The list of things I could not imagine is long. It is obvious I have no crystal ball on the future. I suspect nor do you. I caution you on believing the prognosis the world will continue on its current course in this century with America at the helm.