cartoon 896

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Cartoon 896: Attention Getter

Psychologically humans respond to perceived value. Things that are free are generally taken for granted. The same is true of institutionalized racism. Right now it is in the light with policing and the movie industry. But we all know it is far more pervasive. The public attention span is short and the current spotlight will go out.

The answer to keeping it front and center is a catastrophic event. Money is a catastrophic event particularly when it is taken away. It weighs on the mind and seldom goes away with time. Most anything can trigger a remembrance.

Pay reparations to every Black man, woman and child. It would cause those paying mental apoplexy. If paying the reparations were unavoidable, a move would be made to narrow the definition of who would be eligible.

Reparations is a winning approach to institutionalized racism, even if only $100 dollars per person. To those paying it would be about $25.00 dollars per person. In the minds of those paying will only be the 1.1 billion dollars they were collectively “robbed”. Psychologically all their future racial actions will be colored by the knowledge of the cost.