cartoon 900

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Cartoon 900: Reality

Reportedly Harriett Tubman said she could have freed many more slaves if they knew they were slaves.

We live in an American economic system that is socioeconomic bondage. Yet we are either blind or apathetic to its existence. I will not belay the point. Here is a simple test. How specifically is your FICA and credit score derived and can you determine if it is consistently being applied to others? The answer is no. Legally you do not have access to this information. Even Regulators are barred, such as the Attorney General of New York found out several years ago. What do these scores really do? They increase the profits of merchants and lenders by facilitating charging the public more.

Just as the Greek and the Puerto Rican peoples have found out, Americans are waking up to the fact they live in an economic system of, “heads the system wins and tails you lose”. Part of the Donald Trump support phenomena is this dawning reality.

The system will never right itself, short of a revolution, and we are not there yet. The only option is to leave the country. As exits increase there will be a backlash. The exits will be barred. No international flight travel without posting a surety bond. To escape people will try to get across the borders. The priority of the border security will become keeping people from escaping. Their escape represents a loss in revenue.