cartoon 906

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Cartoon 905

We have an addiction. Out of that addiction grow a host of ills. The addiction is laissez-faire Capitalism (free reign). We keep encouraging a system that seeks to concentrate wealth in fewer and fewer hands. It also seeks to make that wealth inheritable creating enduring aristocracies. It captures control of all branches of government. It dictates society.

Capitalism only works for the greater good when it is fettered with regulation and there is a ceiling on profits which are channeled to social initiatives. In America the opposite has happen. The very rich control the government and the media. They have crafted a myth that a 'rising economic tide floats all boats'. Just looking at the last couple of decades it is clearly not true. The boats that are floating greatly higher are the very wealthy. Others are floundering or sinking.

If voters can see this for themselves, why do they vote the way they do? Why do they keep putting their faith in messiah’s that really support this class? Why are they surprised when the rich get richer and they have only been feed promises?