cartoon 908

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Cartoon 908: Promise Kept

The people celebrating Trump’s promise of bringing back jobs are missing a key point. In their minds they equate jobs to living wages as in the past. They expect jobs that allow them participation in the middle class and upward mobility. That will not be the case.

To bring jobs back there will have to be incentives for business that translates into their economic gain. The jobs coming back will be fully funded to business in reduced taxes and regulations. It will be your tax dollars at work. Employees will enjoy any of this financial largess. It will go to investors and the richest 1%.

To be competitive the American worker will have to accept salary and benefits like the second world. It will be economic serfdom. The other thing that is missing is how many jobs? A factory in Asian may employ 1,200. If new infra structure is built for the work to return to America, it will be highly automated and reduce as much needed labor as possible. Therefore 1,200 in Asia might only be 300 hundred in America.

There is a reason why the rich attack the Federal workers. The government still pays Federal workers a living wage. Racist attack it because it is closer to being an equal opportunity employer not necessary giving preference to their race.