cartoon 915

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Cartoon 915: The Wall

I remember long, long time ago watching the original “Lassie” television show with the boy named “Jeff” in it. The story revolved around a dog named Lassie. After several years Jeff was getting a little old for the desired children audience. He was entering his teens. They developed a story line to replace him and his family and leave Lassie behind. They said he and his family were emigrating to Australia. They were not allowed to take Lassie. The big shock for me was anyone wanting to leave America. We had always been taught it is the greatest place in the world. That mantra is still being said today. But it is to a less credulous audience that sees America as having some good and some bad.

Here is a lesson. Walls have two sides. They cut the flow in both directions. There are already rumbling about building a Canadian wall. The border walls serve two purposes. They keep people out and they keep people in. It is only a matter of time before travel outside America will be greatly restricted. People are going start in ever greater numbers to pull up stakes and leave. They are going to leave massive debts, draconian laws, racial discrimination, economic segregation and the religiosity behind.

Laws will be passed to impede or block this flow. Some are obvious. One will be before you can travel outside the borders you must place a bond against your return or have your creditors grant you permission. Good luck with that. The rich as usual will sail above it all.