Cartoon 718

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Cartoon 718: Unimaginable

It is revisionist history that postulates the collapse of the Soviet Union was apparent. The truth is something different. At the time everyone was surprised. Most surprised was America. The only people that knew of the Soviet Union’s imminent demise had to be clairvoyant mystics.

Today America is a divided nation. The schism can never be bridged. This poses a dilemma. Democracy is based on enough commonality that the losing representatives and their constituents are willing to acquiesce to the ascending leadership. If the perceived grievances represented by the new representatives are too great, the transfer is denied.

The denial eventually moves through successive stages from passive resistance to armed insurrection. History has demonstrated anarchy is the genesis of the dissolution of a union. America is a “federation” [grouping of sovereigns] despite the appearance of an all powerful central government. It was States executing what they believed was their sovereign rights that resulted in the Civil War.

Perhaps it is a bit of precognition to imagine going to bed with things more or less normal and waking to a changed world.

Just imagine the sovereign nation of Texas.