cartoon 891

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Cartoon 891: Confusion

Things have changed. Russia was acting assertive as usual when Obama became president. But it was assertiveness with decorum. This was particularly true under Dmitry Medvedev as prime minister. Obama came in office busily trying to extract America from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It was something decidedly not in Russia’s interests. A distracted America provides latitude.

A more confrontational approach was decided to be needed to keep America off balance. Putin became prime minister. His game plan is always to be on the offense. His first big effort was confronting Western Europe over the energy Russia provided. A series of events have followed keeping America and the West off balance. Are these actions in reaction to a change in the approach of American leadership?

We will not know until the new president is installed in America. At that time Russia might go back to its quiet insurrection and America return as the belligerent.